3.33.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

Hello students. I’m proud of you for completing years 1 and 2 of our American English course.  In order for you to become a strong intermediate American English learner, you need to be able to read, understand, and discuss abridged American English short stories.  In this lesson, throughout Year 3 of your studies, you will read, listen to, and write about popular American English short stories. Please follow the directions below closely.

  • Study the American English vocabulary below.

Words in This Story

soap – n. a substance that is used for washing something

avenue – n. a wide street

cab – n. a car that carries passengers to a place for an amount of money that is based on the distance traveled

theater – n. a building where plays or shows are performed on a stage

cabby – n. a person who drives a taxi

wagon – n. a vehicle with four wheels that is used for carrying heavy loads or passengers and that is usually pulled by animals

cop(s) – n. a person whose job is to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests

Cupid – n. the god of sexual love in ancient Rome

  • Listen to the story.

  • Watch the video and read along.

  • Take the short story quiz.

Take the quiz: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/3329143/p1.html?isEmbedded=True

3 thoughts on “3.33.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

  1. Lesson 3.33.2: Year 3
    American story, ”Mammon and the Archers.” written by O. Henrey
    In this tale we meet Anthony Rockwall, a self-made millionaire, who firmly believes that money can solve any problem. He thinks his wealth can pave the way for his son, Richard to enter Newyork’s elite social circles ‘ Richard, a gentleman has fallen in love with the beautiful girl, Miss, Lantry, but her high social status seems unattainable. To win Miss Lantry heart, Anthony makes a plan. He advises Richerd to make a symbolic to Mammon,” The Money of Gad”. Meanwhile aunt Ellen gives Richerd his mother’s gold ring as love token. When Richerd meets Lantry, he drops the ring during a cab ride.Unexpectedally,they get stuck in a massive traffic jam for hours. Eventually they get engaged to be married. Aunt Ellen believes, the ring’s power of love played a role.
    So, in this delightful story, love, money and fate intervene in unexpected ways.
    The moral of the story is that love, and fate cannot be controlled or manipulated by money alone.

    1. Dear teacher,
      Lesson 3.33.2: Year 3
      American story, ”Mammon and the Archers.” written by O. Henrey.
      Old Anthony Rockwall, who made millions of dollars by making and selling Rockwall’s soap, stood at the window of his large Fifth Avenue house. He was looking out at his neighbor, G. Van Schuylight Suffolk-Jones. His neighbor is a proud member of a proud old New York family. Rechar’s father thinks that money can every thing he want.
      His son said something, money can’t buy and can’t use every time.
      “Don’t say that,” said old Anthony, “Money is successful every time. I don’t know anything you can’t buy with it. Tell me something that money can’t buy. And I want you to tell me something more. Something is wrong with you. I’ve seen it for two weeks. Tell me.
      He thinks his wealth can pave the way for his son, Richard to enter Newyork’s elite social circles ‘ Richard, a gentleman has fallen in love with the beautiful girl, Miss, Lantry, but her high social status seems unattainable. To win Miss Lantry heart, Anthony makes a plan. He advises Richerd to make a symbolic to Mammon,” The Money of Gad”. Meanwhile aunt Ellen gives Richerd his mother’s gold ring as love token. When Richerd meets Lantry, he drops the ring during a cab ride. Unexpected,they get stuck in a massive traffic jam for hours. Eventually they get engaged to be married. Aunt Ellen believes, the ring’s power of love played a role for help Rechard and Lantry to be partners. Thank you.

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