3.45.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

Hello students. I’m proud of you for completing years 1 and 2 of our American English course.  In order for you to become a strong intermediate American English learner, you need to be able to read, understand, and discuss abridged American English short stories.  In this lesson, throughout Year 3 of your studies, you will read, listen to, and write about popular American English short stories. Please follow the directions below closely.

  • Study the American English vocabulary below.

Words in This Story

restlessly – adv. done while feeling nervous or bored and tending to move around a lot

coat(s) – n. an outer piece of clothing that can be long or short and that is worn to keep warm or dry

park – n. a piece of public land in or near a city that is kept free of houses and other buildings and can be used for pleasure and exercise

cop(s) – n. a person whose job is to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests

avenue – n. a wide street

waiter – n. a man who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant

umbrella – n. a device that is used for protection from the rain and sun

anthem – n. a formal song of loyalty, praise, or happiness

  • Listen to the story.

  • Watch the video and read along.

  • Take the short story quiz.

Take the quiz: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/3367983/p1.html?isEmbedded=True

3 thoughts on “3.45.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

  1. lesson 3.45.2 year 3
    American story.
    ” The Cope and The Anthem” written by Henry.
    The story is about a homeless young man, Nickname is Soapy to get himself arrested. The story begins on the park bench in Madison square in New York. When a dead leaf falls into soap’s lap, he realizes that the winter is around the corner and the weather is going to grow much colder. he plans to get himself arrested and thrown into a jail, ‘ The Island.’ first he plans to dine at a cafe and then announces he can’t pay the bill, but the head waiter turns down his plan. Next, he throws a stone through a shop window and waits for a policeman (Cope) to arrive. but again, he fails to make the cope to arrest him. So, he goes and dines in a restaurant but when he announces he can’t pay for the food. he is simply thrown out by the waiter, who refuses to call the cope. next soapy try to threaten a woman, but again fails in his plan. Stealing a man’s umbrella also fails.
    Finally, Soapy comes to an old church and hear an organ playing religious heart touching music, ‘The Anthem’. He is struck by an inspiration of the sound of Anthem and resolves to turn life around, starting by going into town the following day to find work. but just he is thinking to enter his new life, a cope appears and arrests him for loitering, the next morning, soapy is sentences to three months in jail lock up ‘ on the island.’ The story reminds me a very impressive quote…
    ” Man proposes, God disposes.”

  2. Dear teacher,
    lesson 3.45.2 year 3
    American story.
    ” The Cope and The Anthem” written by Henry.
    Soapy’s hopes for the winter were not very high. He was not thinking of sailing away on a ship. He was not thinking of southern skies or the Bay of Naples. Three months in the prison on Blackwell’s Island was what he wanted. Three months of food every day and a bed every night. Three months safe from the cold north wind and safe from cops. This seemed to Soapy the most desirable thing in the world.
    For years Blackwell’s Island had been his winter home. Richer New Yorkers made their large plans to go to Florida or to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea each winter. Soapy made his small plans for going to the island. Soapy, having decided to go to the island, at once began to move toward his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The most pleasant way was to go and have a good dinner at some fine restaurant. Then he would say that he had no money to pay. And then a cop would be called. It would all be done very quietly. The cop would arrest him. He would be taken to a judge. The judge would do the rest. “Don’t you think that I might have done it?“
    Soapy. He was friendly and happy. What he wanted was coming toward him.
    But the cop’s mind would not consider Soapy. Men who break windows do not stop there to talk to cops.
    They run away as fast as they can. The cop saw a man further along the street, running. He ran after him. And Soapy, sick at heart, walked slowly away. He had failed two times. Soapy’s plan was to speak to the young woman. She seemed to be a very nice young lady, who would not want a strange man to speak to her. She would ask the cop for help. And, then, Soapy would be happy to feel the cop’s hand on his arm. He would be on his way to the Island. He went near her. He could see that the cop was already watching him. The young woman moved away a few steps. Soapy followed. Standing beside her, he said:
    Soapy walked east. He threw the umbrella as far as he could throw it. He talked to himself about cops and what he thought of them. Because he wished to be arrested, they seemed to believe he was like a king, who could do no wrong.
    The moon was above, peaceful and bright. There were few people passing. He could hear birds high above him.
    And the anthem that came from the church held Soapy there, for he had known it well long ago. Soapy’s mind was ready for something like this. He had come to the old church at the right time. There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul. He saw with sick fear how he had fallen. He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, his lost power of his mind. Tomorrow he would find work. A man had once offered him a job. He would find that man tomorrow.
    He would be somebody in the world.
    Thank you.

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