3.7.4: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

Greetings, students. Now that you’re in Year 3 of your American English studies, you will be able to read, and listen about one of VOA’s “As It Is” articles, which explore issues in the news in the United States of American as well as in countries all over the world. You are encouraged to carefully read the article and the vocabulary words, as well as listen to the article.  Finally, you are invited to share what you learned by discussing why this article is important and meaningful in the comments section below.

Directions: Read the article and study the vocabulary below.

Directions: Listen to the audio recording of the article.

Directions: Share your insights about why this article is meaningful and important by writing in the comments section below.

2 thoughts on “3.7.4: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

  1. Hello , hind from Iraq.
    Horse rounds amid drought create debat
    In recent weeks federal workers have conducted large helicopter roundups to remove wild horror in the American states of Utah and Colorado .
    The Bureau said the roundups are necessary to protect the environment and the horses as drought take places , also in the west gives some insight into a new norm , norm mean behaviors that is usual or expected.

  2. Lesson 3.7.4. Year 3
    As It Is … ”Horse Roundup Amid Drought Create Debate”.
    The American state conducts large helicopter roundup to remove horses in public land. The roundups are conducted to ensure that the population of wild horses on public land is maintained at a level that is consisted with the lands capacity to support them. Herds, or group of horses can double in size every four years, when population grow too high, they destroy soil. But Messmer said the number of farms animals that grazed on public land is far larger than the number of wild horses. A key difference, though, s that livestock (farm animals) are part of the U.S. economy.
    Kathy Degonia is president of penance Mustangs (The free roaming horses of the Western United States) described the difficulty of the situation, ” In a perfect world let all of these mustangs stay out there until they die, she said,” but there is just not enough food and water to maintain all the horses on the range.

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